Several months back we posted that we were working on the next generation of the Splunk SDK for C#. Today, I am excited to announce the beta of our new .NET developer tools. This release includes a mini arsenal for .NET development including the new C# SDK, and much, much, more!
- Splunk.Client - This contains a C# portable library for performing Splunk searches, doing simple management tasks and for sending events over HTTP to Splunk. You can use it for developing .NET 4.5, Mono and even targeting mobile devices including Windows Store 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, and with the help of Xamarin, iOS and Android!!!
- Splunk.ModularInputs - This library allows you to extend Splunk Enterprise and Forwarder instances with new types of inputs. Here is a sample that shows using this library to create an input which monitors environment variables.
And here is a search app we created for iOS that’s using the new SDK with Reactive Extensions to achieve a responsive UI. As you can see, the app is running in the IOS Simulator while being debugged in Xamarin Studio! Also notice the new C# async/await syntax, which is awesome to see also works cross-platform.
Splunk Logging
This library makes it dirt simple to send your application diagnostics directly to Splunk over UDP whether you are using .NET Trace Listeners or ETW / SLAB. You can get the library on NuGet by installing the Splunk.Logging package.
Splunk Extension for Visual Studio
In order to really streamline your Splunk development, we’ve created a new extension for Visual Studio. Using the extension you can quickly create client apps that use the new SDK and that optionally wire up the new logging library. The extension includes a bunch of snippets that help you get going working with the new API. Finally, it also offers great support for creating Modular Inputs to extend Splunk. You can install the extension now right from the Visual Studio Gallery
Learn More
This is just giving you a small preview of what the new tools have to offer. Learn more by checking out our docs for the C# SDK, Logging Library and Visual Studio Extension.
Try it out and send us your feedback!
With this beta we’re introducing a whole new modern approach to developing C# applications that leverage Splunk. We’d love your feedback on the experience and if there are things you see missing or would like to see us change.
As with all of our dev platform assets, all of our libraries and the extension are on Github and released under an Apache 2 license. You can find the library repos here, and here and the new extension repo here.
Please file any issues at the repos or if you want to send us patches, send us your pull requests. If you have any specific feedback, send it to
Go forth and Splunk!